End intimidation of peaceful action for Palestine

26 June 2024


Three individuals charged over Letters for Palestine

Tomorrow, three individuals will appear in Court to face criminal charges related to organising a letter delivery to the Prime Minister’s Office at the Istana on 2 February 2024, as part of the National Day of Solidarity with Palestine. 

70 individuals walked to the Istana and delivered 140 letters to then Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong — letters asking the government to end ties with Israel, including Singapore’s arms trade with Israel and partnerships with its universities.

The charges brought under the Public Order Act allege that they were involved in organising a ‘procession publicising the cause of solidarity with Palestine’.

In the face of peaceful demands to act with moral courage against the ongoing genocide in Palestine, the Government has chosen to respond vindictively with criminal sanction. Such sanctions levelled against the three are also a continuation of the intimidation of peaceful support for Palestinian lives in Singapore.

The Public Order Act is a draconian restriction on the people’s right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, rights enshrined in Article 14 of Singapore’s Constitution. 

Our freedom to stand in solidarity with others, to call for action where injustice is seen, to act according to moral principles and not on the government’s permission, are fundamental to a healthy and flourishing democratic society.

We call for the charges to be withdrawn and for an end to all other investigations into, and intimidation of, peaceful action for Palestine.

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Media queries can be directed to: transformjustice.media@gmail.com

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